„Während die Behörden ständig damit beschäftigt sind, die Vergangenheit zu verschönern, versuchen Journalisten, die Zukunft in Ordnung zu bringen.“ть будущее”

Nobelpreisträger: „Meine Meinungsfreiheit ist eine Voraussetzung für Demokratie und Frieden“

„Während die Behörden ständig damit beschäftigt sind, die Vergangenheit zu verschönern, versuchen Journalisten, die Zukunft in Ordnung zu bringen“, sagte Dmitry Muratov, Chefredakteur der Moskauer Zeitschrift Novaya Gazeta, anlässlich der Nobelpreisverleihung in Oslo , Norwegen.

“We are increasingly hearing about incidents of torture involving inmates and detainees. Torture is used to break people and punish them beyond their sentence. This is savagery. I’m coming up with an initiative to establish an international tribunal on torture that would gather information on the use of torture in various parts of the world,” stated Muratov.

He also said that he would donate his cash award to help sick people and support independent journalism. This year, the Nobel Peace Prize comes with a cash award of US$$1.1 million.

At Muratov’s requests, the guests of the ceremony observed a minute of silence in memory of journalists who died in the line of duty.

Muratov and Maria Ressa of the Philippine news website Rappler won the award “for their efforts to safeguard freedom of expression, which is a precondition for democracy and lasting peace,” the Norwegian Nobel Committee said when announcing the prize.

The proposal is a sensitive subject in Moldova too, given the multiple reports on the state of detainees in jails in Moldova and on the human rights violations in the breakaway republic of Transnistria, which include kidnappings.

Source: ipn.md