Proteste gegen das Parlament und die Regierung. Christen fordern das Verbot von Homosexualität


protest_mai_2018A group of priests and Christians protested in front of the Parliament and Government Buildings, demanding to amend the Contravention Code and ban the propagation of other marriage relations than those between a man and a woman. The Government and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research were asked not to introduce the subject “Sexual Education” in the school program, as it is provided in the National Program on Sexual and Reproductive Rights for 2018-2020.

Contacted by IPN, priest Sergey Iordachescu said the marriage between a man and a woman and the traditional family are values stipulated expressly in the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova and the Family Code. Parliament should modify the Contravention Code so as to ban the propagation of other relations than the traditional ones. “We say stop to the public promotion of the homosexuality sin and other sins,” stated the priest.

Elena Bitca, jurist of the Moldovan Metropolitan Church, said on May 24 the Government approved the National Program on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. One of the objectives is to introduce the subject “Sexual Education” in the school program. “Knowing the statistics in other states, we anticipate that the introduction of the subject “Sexual Education” in schools will have the opposite effect to the planned one. On the contrary, the number of abortions and of sexually transmitted diseases increases,” stated the jurist.

The protesters filed petitions to the two picketed institutions and are decided to resume protests if they do not obtain a positive reaction in the shortest period of time.