Das Dokument richtet sich in erster Linie an Bildungspolitiker und -planer, Schulleitungen, Schulleiter, Lehrer und sonstiges Schulpersonal; und kann auch für Behindertenorganisationen, Elternvereine, Jugendorganisationen, Medien und die breite Öffentlichkeit von Interesse sein.

Gewalt und Mobbing in Bildungseinrichtungen: Erfahrungen von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Behinderungen

This UNESCO document, one of a series of technical briefs on school violence and bullying, focuses on the experience of learners with disabilities.

For the first time, it brings together evidence on the scale and nature of violence and bullying affecting learners with disabilities in educational settings. It aims to raise awareness of the problem and encourage action to ensure that children and young people with disabilities have access to a safe learning environment.

The document is primarily intended for education policy-makers and planners, school management, principals, teachers and other school staff; and may also be of interest to organizations of persons with disabilities, parents’ associations, youth organizations, the media and the wider public. This document aims to improve understanding of how violence and bullying impacts learners with disabilities, encourage further research and generate evidence about effective interventions.


Source: unesco.org