Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen

Born in 1965, studied political science, sociology and East Slavic studies at the Johann-Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt a.M., received her doctorate in 1996, rated with summa cum laude.

1988-1989 Study visit to the former Soviet Union.

Since 1990 she has worked for the International Society for Human Rights/ISHR, German Section,  as assistant to the founder Ivan Agrusow and later successor in the management of the Eastern European department until today. Board member of the International Council of the ISHR.

Project management for the UN, EU, German BMZ and Foreign Office and others. Reports for politically persecuted people in Eastern Europe. Reporting in print and media channels. Press and public relations work and much more.

Excerpt of  ISHR publications:

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Armenia, ISHR, Dec 2023, GER: Endless conflict or end of Armenia’s existence? (igfm.de)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, biography Iwan Agrusow, founder of the ISHR, GER in: Defending human rights: Seven life stories of human rights defenders and the global system for their protection (ISHR – Global Issues Series) Paperback – Dec 7, 2023, edited by Matthias Böhning, upcoming version in English

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Belarus, ISHR, March 3, 2023, GER/RU/EN/ BEL/UKR Belarus: The outcry must not remain unheard (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Russia, ISHR, 24.2.2023 GER/RU/EN/UKR 1 year of aggressive war in Ukraine (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Russia, ISHT, 23. Feb. 2022, GER/RU/EN,  All hell is breaking loose in the East (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Russia/Ingushetia, Background report on political prisoners, ISHR, May 2021, GER/RU, Russland-Inguschetien, Politische Gefangene, Hintergrundbericht (humanrights-online.org)

Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Russia, May 2021. GER/RU/EN, In memory of Andrei Sakharov: the 100th anniversary of the outstanding man´s birth (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Belarus, ISHR, Feb 2021, EN, https://ishr.org/to-a-50th-anniversary-of-the-ishr-with-brave-representatives-from-a-free-belarus/

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Belarus, Lukashenkas Guantanamo dream-castle, IGFM, Jan 2021, EN, https://ishr.org/lukanshenkas-guantanamo-dream-castle/

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Belarus, Unpainted Walls, ISHR Nov 2020, GER/RU/EN  Appeals for help from Belarus. You too can do something! (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen,  Belarus, The Soviet Union, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Belarusian democracy movement, ISHR, Oct 2020, GER/EN/RU The Soviet Union, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Belarusian Democratic Movement (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, EaP 2020 –75 years of the end of the Second World War, Tell me something about the war, joint video project, ISHR, GER/RU/EN, Joint video project “Tell Me About the War” (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Armenia, Aserbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh, ISHR, July 2020, GER, EN, RU New skirmishes between Armenia and Azerbaijan (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Russia, ISHR, April 2020, GER/EN/RU Does Corona interfere with Putin’s New Coup d’ État? (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, EaP, Annual review, ISHR-Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) and Russia, 2020, ISHR, GER/RU/EN, ISHR-EaP/Russia -Annual review 2020 (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen,  EaP, Impressive Frankfurt Eastern Europe Conference on the topic of disinformation: “Media, opinion-making, human rights in the Eastern Partnership countries and Russia, ISHR, Dec 2019, GER/RU/EN, Impressive Frankfurt Eastern Europe conference on disinformation (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Ukraine, The new president of the Ukrainian giant, the “comedian” Volodymyr Zelensky, a man to smile about? ISHR, July 2019, GER/RU/, https://humanrights-online.org/de/der-neue-praesident-der-ukrainischen-riesin-der-komiker-wolodymyr-selenskyj-ein-mann-zum-grinsen/

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Ukraine, The historical development of two opposing narratives in (the) Ukraine using the example of Galicia and Donbass, ISHR, July 2019, GER/RU,  https://humanrights-online.org/de/die-historische-entwicklung-von-zwei-gegensaetzlichen-erzaehlstraengen-in-der-ukraine-am-beispiel-von-galizien-und-donbass/

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, ISHR, March 2019, GER/EN/RU, https://humanrights-online.org/de/corona-in-germany-the-world-and-human-rights/

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Russia, ISHR, Nov 2019, GER/EN/RU, RUSSIA. INTIMIDATION POLITICS – POLITIKA SAPUGIVANIYA (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia, Project Report 2018, ISHR Off to the regions and into the future with Humanrights-online

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Ukraine, ISHR, Aug 2018, GER/RU/EN, Ukraine The country of origin of the world’s most beautiful melodies has played itself out (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Russia, Translation from Russian, ISHR 2017, GER/EN/RU, “Brilliant green” as a poison in a rocking political boat? New stages of political debate in Russia (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Ukraine, Summer 2017, GER/EN/RU, ISHR, Everything is Possible in Odessa! (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, EaP, Report youth forum, ISHR, Dec 2015, GER/RU/EN, Human rights work with young adults from the Eastern Partnership and Russia (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, EaP, Report youth forum, ISHR, July 2015, GER/RU/EN, Strengthen pluralism, convey values, promote dialogue and understanding https://humanrights-online.org/de/igfm-jugendforum-der-oestlichen-partnerschaft-und-russland-seminar-in-kiew/

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Moldova, ISHR, 2015, GER/EN/RU, Moldova, A ‘Hijacked’ Country (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, ISHR, Jun 2014, GER/EN, ISHR Report: Human Rights in the former Soviet Union (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Ukraine, co-editor: Focus Ukraine, what do the neighbors say (statement from 10 eastern european ISHR sections), ISHR, May, 2014. GER, https://humanrights-online.org/de/brennpunkt-ukraine-was-sagen-die-nachbarn-dazu/

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen, Russia, In honorable memory of Valerij Senderov, former ISHR chairman in the USSR, Nov 2014, GER https://humanrights-online.org/de/ehrenvollen-gedenken-an-valerij-senderow/

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Russia/Ukraine: Translation from Russian, Sep 2014, ISHR, GER/EN, Russia: ‘There just weren’t any other jobs available’ (humanrights-online.org)

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Carmen: Armenia/Aserbaijan, Azerbaijan, commentary: Akram Aylisli – In the mouth of a seething volcano, ISHR,2013, GER https://humanrights-online.org/de/aserbaidschan-buchverbrennungen/

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Russia, Moscow, General Annual Meeting of the Russian ISHR Section 2012, GER https://humanrights-online.org/de/jahreskonferenz-2012-der-igfm-sektion-russland/

Dr. Krusch-Grün, Russia, Translation from Russian, ISHR, Nov 2012, interview and statement on Russia’s new NGO law. GER https://humanrights-online.org/de/interview-und-stellungnahme-zu-russlands-neuem-ngo-gesetz/

Dr. Krusch, Carmen. The democratic question in Russian. GER, In: IGFM Special, Human Rights Magazine 5/97, p. 15 ff

Dr. Krusch, Carmen, ISHR-CIS working group: Development of civil society. In: IGFM, Human Rights Magazine 2/3 1997, p. 12 ff.

Dr. Krusch, Carmen, Ukraine, Youth competition on human rights topic throughout Ukraine. GER, in: IGFM Magazine Human Rights No.1/97, p.40 fr.

Krusch, Carmen. Street children in Russia: warning signs of post-Soviet reality. GER, in: Special documentary, ISHR, 1996

Krusch, Carmen. Drug policy in the changing times of the former Soviet Union. GER, Dissertation. 1996. Rating: very good.

Krusch, Carmen. Women in Russia. GER, in: IGFM Magazine Human Rights No. 4/95, p.12

Krusch, Carmen. Russland, Russia, Moscow today. GER, in IGFM magazine human rights, 4/94, p. 9 f

Krusch, Carmen. No future for Russia’s children? GER, in ISHR special documentary

Krusch, Carmen, Wahnsiedler, Wanda. CSCE Meeting on the Human Dimension in Moscow. Excellent working conditions for NGOs. GER, in: IGFM Magazine Human Rights No.6/91, p.12 ff

Krusch, Carmen. Orphans in the Soviet Union, a group on the margins of society. GER, in: IGFM Magazine Human Rights No. 6/91, pp. 24-25
