Sasha Skochilenko remains in pre-trial detention until July 1

The Vasileostrovsky District Court extended the arrest of Sasha Skochilenko, a St. Petersburg artist, until July 1. In spite of public support, as well as petitions from her lawyers, the artist has not had her measure of restraint changed. The main arguments of the investigation were that Sasha’s words would “destabilize the situation in society” and, being under house arrest, she may try to hide abroad. The lawyer will lodge another appeal against the decision of the Vasileostrovsky Court.

Sasha Skochilenko is an artist from St. Petersburg. She is accused of posting stickers in a shop with information about victims of the war in Ukraine. A criminal case was opened for discrediting the Russian Armed Forces. Sasha faces up to 10 years in prison. On April 13, a court sent Sasha Skochilenko to the pre-trial detention centre for two months, despite the fact that she has a gluten intolerance. The food in the detention centre could have caused irreparable damage to her health. Sasha was only able to get appropriate nutrition for her only one month later.



Photo: Sasha Skochilenko / Instagram


