Since the first days of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, most countries have provided Ukrainians with facilitated entry conditions. Those who choose one of the EU countries for temporary asylum and reside there most of the time are also given financial assistance.
What payments Ukrainians receive in EU countries
Since the first days of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, most countries have provided Ukrainians with facilitated entry conditions. Those who have chosen one of the EU countries for temporary asylum and reside there most of the time also receive financial assistance.
What payments are provided for the Ukrainians in the European Union, the portal TRAVEL-RBC-Ukraine reported with reference to
What financial assistance is allocated to Ukrainian immigrants in the EU countries?
Czech Republic. In this country, all refugees are provided with assistance in the amount of 5 thousand crowns (about 200 euro) through the Labour Office (Úrad práce ČR).
The first payment will be made automatically to everyone after presenting a passport and a humanitarian visa (vízum strpenie). The next allowance will be given only to those who are in a difficult financial situation (unemployed and without property in the Czech Republic), but not more than five times.
So in total refugees would be entitled to six humanitarian payments of 5,000 CZK. After 6 months, those in need of refugee status can continue to receive state support, but already within the framework of standard social assistance.
Latvia. Citizens of Ukraine, who fled from the war to Latvia, can receive the following support by applying to the Ministry of Welfare:
One-time crisis assistance of €272 per adult and €190 per child.
Additional monthly support – 109 EUR per family member and 76 EUR for each following family member.
Other material support or social services according to the individual needs of the individual.
Estonia. Ukrainian refugees who have received temporary protection are entitled to the same benefits and allowances as Estonian residents.
Before you can apply for assistance (benefits), you must request temporary protection, obtain a residence permit and an Estonian personal identity code from a military refugee reception centre or the Police and Border Guard Board (PPA).
This can be child support from birth until the age of 16. The amount of child benefit is 60 euros for the first and second child in a family and 100 euros for the third and subsequent children. From the third child onwards, a family with many children receives €300 per month and from the seventh child €400 per month.
Parents who come to Estonia with a child under one and a half years of age are paid parental allowance of 584 euros per month for up to 545 days. The exact number of days of parental compensation depends on the age of the child and the beginning of the parents’ residence permit.
After obtaining temporary protection, Ukrainian refugees are entitled to a residence permit. Calculation of the subsistence minimum: the first family member receives one subsistence minimum (EUR 150), the second adult receives 0,8 subsistence minimum (EUR 120) and under-age children 1,2 subsistence minimum (EUR 180).
Slovakia. A person who has applied for temporary asylum or has a temporary asylum document and holds a residence permit marked “ODÍDENEC” meets the condition for the granting of material assistance.
The application for material assistance is submitted to the Employment, Social Affairs and Family Department. Persons with temporary protection or seeking asylum in Slovakia are also eligible for emergency cash assistance provided by humanitarian organisations under the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family (MoLSAF) programme.
The amount per person per month is:
80 euros per adult aged 18 and over;
60 euros for a child aged 3 to 18;
160 Euro for a child under 3 years of age.
However, Ukrainian citizens with temporary asylum status are not eligible for state social assistance, such as child support, parental allowance, child support for an adopted child, funeral aid or childbirth assistance. This state social assistance is granted on condition that a temporary or permanent residence permit is obtained.
Slovenia. Citizens who have received temporary protection in Slovenia, do not live in a shelter and have not applied for international protection or have no money or income of their own to support them may apply for the payment. That is, if they do not have anyone in Slovenia who is legally obliged to support them.
The amount of the financial support will be determined according to the basic minimum income according to the following criteria
for the first adult or applicant – 100%;
for the next adult in the family – 70%;
For a child up to the age of 18 – 30%;
For an unaccompanied minor – 100%.
Ireland. A Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) is required in order to receive social financial assistance in Ireland.
When you apply for PPSN, a Ukrainian can apply for weekly income support if it is required. The maximum payment for people over 25 years of age is 260 euro.
On top of that, a supplement of 138 euros can be paid for an adult wardship allowance, 40 euros for a child under 12 years old and 48 euros for a child over 12 years old. For adults aged 18 to 24 the payment is 117.7 euros with an allowance of 117.7 euros for an adult ward. In addition to the adult’s allowance, the allowance is paid separately for children – 140 euros a month for each child.
France. France provides financial assistance for asylum seekers.
The issue of an APS ‘temporary protection’ will allow for cash assistance, the amount of which is calculated according to the composition of the family. A Ukrainian will have an appointment at the French Immigration and Integration Office to receive the ADA card in the prefecture.
According to the publicly available information, the assistance for families is calculated according to the number of family members: 1 person EUR 6.80 per day, 2 persons EUR 10.20 per day, 3 persons EUR 13.60 per day, 4 persons EUR 17.00 per day and so on. But each adult gets another €7.40 per day.
Austria. The amount of basic social assistance in Austria is set by the authorities and depends amongst other things on the person’s housing situation; it could be full-board, self-supported or privately owned.
In the case of private accommodation, Ukrainians can receive the following maximum payments:
Rent subsidy for one person – up to €150 per person per month;
Rental subsidy for a family (2 or more persons) – up to 300 EUR per person per month;
meals for adults – up to 215 euros per person per month;
meals for minors – up to 100 euros per person per month.
In order to receive a rental subsidy, a rental contract (so-called precariat contract) has to be submitted.
It is also possible to get a financial subsidy for school supplies (up to 200 euros per child per year) and clothing (150 euros per person per year) as well as money for holidays (up to 50 euros per person per month) in Austria.
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