Bulgaria continues a program of free hotel accommodation for Ukrainian refugees. After it ends on October 31, Ukrainians will be offered new options.

Subsequently, the Bulgarian government will propose other solutions.

The Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov told about it on air of the TV channel BNT, reports rbc.ua.

Accommodation refugees from Ukraine in hotels in Bulgaria will last until October 31, he said. After that the program of free accommodation with meals for Ukrainians will end.

“This will be the final program, so it will be possible to organize a new program,” said the Minister of Tourism.

The Bulgarian authorities changed the accommodation program for Ukrainians fleeing the war in June. Then they reduced daily funding and partially relocated the refugees themselves to simpler facilities that were not used during the holiday season for tourists on the Black Sea coast.

The country hopes that after October the resettlement program will not have to be continued, but instead a new program for integration into the social system will start working.

On July 25 the medical insurance paid by the state for those who had received temporary protection in Bulgaria until April 26 expired. Ukrainians who stay in Bulgaria for more than 90 days must pay for medical insurance on their own, except for the unprotected categories.

According to the UN, more than 133,000 people from Ukraine have received protection status in Bulgaria, and there are currently 67467 Ukrainian refugees in the country. About 300,000 people have arrived in the country since spring, and 110,000 of them have received resettlement under the state program.