ISHR Ukraine provides humanitarian help in Kiev and Poltava regions


Thanks to our volunteer Ilona Bevza , the IAC ISHR was able to help refugees in Kiev region:

Anya with one-year-old grandson Mikhail, who were evacuated from Bucha;

Tatyana and her son Leon, who were forced to leave Kiev because of the danger.

We were able to provide special baby food for children with allergies:

to tiny Vovochka, born on 25 February 2022 in the basement on Borshchagovka (Kiev);

to little heroes Eric and David who were born on 28 December 2021;

to a family of refugees from Nikolaev with a wonderful curly-haired baby

And we would like to separately note the emotions of people … “Wow! It’s all for me?” The words of little Matvey when he saw a package with sweets. The boy’s father went missing in the battles near Popasna. We really hope that everything is fine with him and he will show up soon.

And the mother of little Zhenya, who received food and diapers for the baby ... “Thank you very much! Thanks to you, I believe in miracles!”

Such words support the strength to work seven days a week.

Such emotions help to understand that we are doing everything right.

Stay kind!

Be with ISHR!



The humanitarian cargo that came to the Poltava region gave us the opportunity to help several refugee families from the Kharkiv, Kiev, Sumy and Chernihiv regions with food, baby food, diapers and hygiene products. Part of the cargo was redirected to other cities, including Melitopol, Kharkiv and Zaporozhye. Now the issue of sponsoring kitchens for refugees in the Poltava region is being discussed.

Lately, Sunday has become a special day. And today IAC ISHR brought water for the residents of Borodyanka (Kiev region). More than food and hygiene products people asked for  drinking water! Since this is a city, there are no wells. And the water shortage was an important issue. Thanks a lot for your help!

Thank you all for your help and support of our work!

Stay kind

Be with ISHR!