
Moldova , officially the Republic of Moldova (Romanian: Republica Moldova), formerly known as Moldavia, is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe, bordered by Romania to the west and Ukraine to the north, east, and south. Moldova is a parliamentary republic with a president as head of state and a prime minister as head of government.

The capital city is Chișinău

Moldova declared independence on 27 August 1991, as part of the dissolution of the Soviet Union. The current Constitution of Moldova was adopted in 1994. A strip of Moldovan territory on the east bank of the river Dniester has been under the de facto control of the breakaway government of Transnistria since 1990.

Due to a decrease in industrial and agricultural output following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the service sector has grown to dominate Moldova’s economy and currently composes over 60% of the nation’s GDP. However, Moldova remains the poorest country in Europe.

IGFM Section Moldova

The International Society for Human Rights – Moldovan Section (ISHR-MS) is a non-governmental, non-profit public organization set up in 1998. On February 12, 1999, the ISHR-MS was registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova. At present, the ISHR-MS unites 115 members.

ISHR-MS mission

ISHR-MS defends and promotes human rights in the Republic of Moldova, using legal means and through carrying out activities, which promote greater awareness of human rights and monitor the way the human rights are ensured. Activities include civic education, legal consulting, and humanitarian aid for socially disadvantaged members of the population. ISHR-MS informs the national and international community about human rights violations in the Republic of Moldova.

The main goal of the ISHR-MS is to unite the efforts of the civil society in order to protect integral human rights and civil freedoms in the Republic of Moldova, to help people prosecuted for political, ethnic or religious reasons. The organization aims at supporting the idea of tolerance in all national and cultural problems, and it propagates mutual understanding among nations. ISHR-MS refuses to support or take part in any actions connected with a violent change of the Constitution or any violation of the territorial integration of Moldova.

The ISHR-MS has three main areas of focus: protection of human rights, human rights education, & humanitarian aid activities.

ISHR-MS principles
ISHR-MS seeks to promote international understanding and tolerance in all areas of culture and society. It is a non-profit organization, independent of all political parties, governments or religious groups. Our work is funded solely by donations. ISHR-MS helps people to protect and advance human rights and to educate youth on human rights and children’s rights.

ISHR-MS rests on the principle of transparency, free access to information and mutual cooperation with all NGOs, state and international organizations for human rights, as well as on tolerance, which provides equal involvement of everyone regardless of race, sex, nationality, religious beliefs or language.

The ISHR – MS considers poverty to be a strong negation of human rights. We strive for realization of human rights in every person’s life, here and now, in the Republic of Moldova. A big deed does not require many words but many small actions. They can be done by each person regardless of age, sex, education and social position.


By en: User: Anonimu, via Wikimedia Commons
Conflictzone: Transnistrien and Gagausien



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